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Reaching clients accross a wireless bridge?


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I'm running Retrospect 6.5 Pro with windows clients. I just rearranged some things in my office and bought a wireless bridge to connect two different LAN segments on the same IP subnet. Unfortunately, the clients on the other side of the bridge from the backup system are no longer reachable from it (as far as Retrospect is concerned... they work fine for everything else)... I can query their IP addresses directly and it will confirm that a Retrospect client is running, but all other client operations fail with a -530 (backup client not found).


I'm guessing that the piton name service broadcasts aren't making it accross the bridge... the clients are perfectly functional if I connect them to the same LAN segment as the backup system.


Since I'm using Retrospect Pro and not a server version, I can't specify client static IPs... it appears that the only way my backup system can find clients is via piton name service broadcasts. If my bridge doesn't propagate them, am I screwed?



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The bridge needs to propogate multicast on port 497.


Its possible that your computers are routing multicast out of the wrong NIC. You might want to try binding the clients and backup machine to a specific network adapter using the retroclient -IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx command.




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