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Retrospect Horrors


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I upgraded from 5,.6 Retrospect to 6.5 with all updates.


When I try to duplicate I end up with nothing done. I get error 1103 Write Protected or I just get an endless loop where it starts all over again.


I run Windows XP Professional/updated to present. I use Maxtor 5000 external USB2 drive for backups.


I uninstalled, and reinstalled 6.5--but it won'twork.


I finally unistalled 6.5 and put 5.6 to work and it does the job, SORT OF. iT CAN'T FIND MY mAXTOR DRIVE AND i HAVE TO TRY ABOUT 5 TIMES TO GET A BACKUP TO WORK.


What is the problem. OOps, I'm going to rinstaLL MRetropsect again.


Dan Cassin

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I use Retrospect 6.5.350 with two Maxtor USB 5000 drives. It works for me with these observations:


1) USB 1.0 sucks the life out of my old Win98 computer, causing erratic operation

2) USB 2.0 and a new Dell (2.4G, XP) solved all my issues


Sorry you are having trouble mate,


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Using Retrospect 5x, I imported movie clips, then moved them to external drive. Then I deleted the files from my G4 hard drive. Now, when I go in to hard drive, I see the name of the movie clip, but when I go to select, it disappears. In the trash I see one of the movie clips, and it disappears when I select it as well. Are the files there? All my other saved data can be accessed, just not these files.

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In addition to last message, the files that disappear are listed as December 1903!


(Using Retrospect 5x, I imported movie clips, then moved them to external drive. Then I deleted the files from my G4 hard drive. Now, when I go in to hard drive, I see the name of the movie clip, but when I go to select, it disappears. In the trash I see one of the movie clips, and it disappears when I select it as well. Are the files there? All my other saved data can be accessed, just not these files.)

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