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Cannot access to DVD


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When I login to XP or come from a fresh boot and acitvate and then quit Retropect I get the message that DVD is ready. However, if I use the DVD drive for any other purpose or even close and open the drawer I get the message that device is unavailable. I have to logout and login to rectify the problem. This does not happen with any other appliction. If I do not correct the problem Retrospect will not run on schedule and the DVD is somehow made useless. Running Windos XP on a Dell Dimensionn 8200.

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When Retrospect launches it tries to take control of the drive and writable media in the drive. If another burning program is using the drive or takes hold of the media Retrospect will have trouble getting it back.


What other burning programs do you have installed?




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There are no other programs running when I activate Retrospect. All I have to do is use the drive for another program or just open and close the drawer to cause the problem. I exit all other burning programs before opening Retrospect. I do have B's software on the system and , ofcourse, the XP utilities. I do not use B's very often. As I said the problem goes away if I log off and log on. The Task Manager shows no other applications running that are using the drive. It's as if XP never fully releases the drive.


Let me reiterate. On start up or from a fresh boot everything is ok Accessing the drive for any reason or just opening and closing the drawer causes the problem. Retrospect says the drive is unavailable. A log off log on sequence clears the problem.



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As a test can you try uninstalling Bz and see if this gets better? Most burning programs will hang out in the background waiting for a disk to be insterted. That could be causeing problems


When you go to configure->devices->environment does it say ASPI or NT passthrough? Try toggling between the two to see if it helps:




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I don't think uninstalling B's software will help because I don't have to use it to cause the problem. I just have to use any XP CD or DVD function or just open and close the drawer on the DVD drive.


Configure->devices says ATPI. I did Ctrl-Alt-P-P and checked enabled Use NT SCSI Passthrough. I got out of Retrospect, opened and closed the drawer of the DVD drive. Back in Retrospect configure->devices->environment does not even see the device.


Unchecking Use NT SCSI Passthrough and loging out and loging in and everything is OK again.


I will try uninstalling B's softwre later today, but I don't think it will change anything.

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At one time I ran into trouble with the intel application accelleratior interfering with communication to my CD drive. Is it installed on your machine? If so try getting the newest version from intel or uninstalling it.


If you run the aspi checker utility c:\program files\Dantz\Retrospect\aspichk.exe what version does it say your ASPI files are?




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Sorry to take so long in responding to you. I've been away on vactation.


Installing ASPI solved the problem. The Retrospect manual is not clear on the need to do this. The discussion on page 30 seems to me to be ambiguous. It seems to imply that it is not needed for XP. The definbition on page 282 seems to say it is needed for SCSI devices. I don't use a SCSI connection for my DVD drive although I do have a scanner connected to a SCSI port. The DVD is connected internally as a master on an IDE cable.



Another problem I have is that Retrospect does not seem to want to fill the DVD's When I got back from vacation it wanted the 2- disk installed even though the first disk was not full. This has been a problem from day one. It's as though it either thinks the disk is full or that the wrong disk in inserted even thouh it has been writing to this disk... Perhaps the ASPI fix will fix this too. Stay tuned. Perhaps you would like to contact me off line at aloeb@rochester.rr.com.

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What about the second problem I stated? Do you have any comment on that? Why can't I seem to fill a DVD? The data on the partially filled disks is accessable for restore but Retrospect refuses to add data to the disk.


Your help has been great. Thank you so much.



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I'm still having serious problems. Scheduled backup script D40904 was automatically backed up yesterday to media named 2-D040904. Today the same scheduled backup rejected the media with error 100 (rejected command). If I attempt to manually backup to this media I get a message that it belongs to another backup set and that it is looking for 3-D040904. Disk 2-D040904 has had only one backup made to it and it is practically empty. Running Verify Media on 1-D400904 (which also terminated early) and 2-D040904 I get the message: unexpected end of data (error 105). This has been a continuing problem since I started trying to use Retrospect. Occasionally I have been able to fill a disk. When I first got Retrospect and did a complete backup of drive C I had no trouble filling 5 disks (with a slight remainder on the 6th).


I can, however, restore files from the unfilled disks


It looks as if I have wasted a lot of time (and money) on Retrospect, which appears to have a lot of great features, but that I must give up.


Please help me.



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I'm still having serious problems. Scheduled backup script D40904 was automatically backed up yesterday to media named 2-D040904. Today the same scheduled backup rejected the media with error 100 (rejected command). If I attempt to manually backup to this media I get a message that it belongs to another backup set and that it is looking for 3-D040904. Disk 2-D040904 has had only one backup made to it and it is practically empty. Running Verify Media on 1-D400904 (which also terminated early) and 2-D040904 I get the message: unexpected end of data (error 105). This has been a continuing problem since I started trying to use Retrospect. Occasionally I have been able to fill a disk. When I first got Retrospect and did a complete backup of drive C I had no trouble filling 5 disks (with a slight remainder on the 6th).


I can, however, restore files from the unfilled disks


It looks as if I have wasted a lot of time (and money) on Retrospect, which appears to have a lot of great features, but that I must give up.


Please help me.



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I'm still having serious problems. Scheduled backup script D40904 was automatically backed up yesterday to media named 2-D040904. Today the same scheduled backup rejected the media with error 100 (rejected command). If I attempt to manually backup to this media I get a message that it belongs to another backup set and that it is looking for 3-D040904. Disk 2-D040904 has had only one backup made to it and it is practically empty. Running Verify Media on 1-D400904 (which also terminated early) and 2-D040904 I get the message: unexpected end of data (error 105). This has been a continuing problem since I started trying to use Retrospect. Occasionally I have been able to fill a disk. When I first got Retrospect and did a complete backup of drive C I had no trouble filling 5 disks (with a slight remainder on the 6th).


I can, however, restore files from the unfilled disks


It looks as if I have wasted a lot of time (and money) on Retrospect, which appears to have a lot of great features, but that I must give up.




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