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Using IDE Disks as media

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Hi All


We've been using Retrospect 6.5 successfully for some time now but I'm trying to simplify our procedures. We have a slightly unusual setup, our main backup storage is a RAID disk on the Retrospect server. We backup the data on this to IDE drives installed in caddies, using 3 in a rotation.

What I'm trying to do is reduce user intervention, so the caddies can be swapped without going in and configuring backups sets in Retrosepect every time. I've tried recycle backups, new media backups but everything I try requires user intervention. I've even cloned the disks in the caddies so the are apparently identical but retrospect knows the disks have been changed.


Any ideas ??



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Are you using a different backup set for each set of disks or are you trying to use one set for all of them?




This should be fully scriptable. Can you give some more details on the rotation you are using?







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In my ignorance I was trying to use a single backup set. I'm trying to make this as idiot proof as possible, when I'm in the office I remember to change disks, however when I'm out others have been known to forget !! I'm trying to ensure that if a disk has not been changed, the backup will go ahead and simply overwrite the existing backup.


We use three disks in rotation, backups are done twice weekly with one disk being held off site.

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The only way to make this work (erase and backup to any disk you put in) is to manually erase the disks after you change them. Not ideal for sure.


I would create a different set for each group of disks and then label them clearly. Something easy like Blue, Red, Yellow... Then I would create scripts with corresponding names. You can set up email notification in Retrospect to go to the person who changes tapes when you aren't there. The message will say something like "script yellow needs media" at that point it is easy enough to put in the proper media.


You could also use a proactive backup script if you buy the add on. It will backup to whatever set is available.



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