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Converted Fat32 to NTFS....

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Hello everyone. I am a very happy Retrospect 6.0 user. I have used it for a couple of years now and it is an awesome program. But I am having a problem.


I recented converted a 160GB drive from Fat32 to NTFS so I could go beyond the 4GB file size limit. That drive, while it was Fat32, was being backed up by Retrospect on a daily basis. When I go into Volumes, it shows my old Fat32 drive as greyed out. I can see the new NTFS drive just fine. I then define the subvolumes I want to backup. But here comes the problem. When I do a manual backup preview, on My Documents, out of 75GB, it thinks 61GB needs to be copied. But I know that that data has already been backed up in my current backup set.


So, Retrospect thinks this NTFS drive is completely new and does not recoginize the contents as already being backed up. Is there anyway I can tell Retrospect that it is really the same drive?





Jay Becker

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Changing the file system, is similar to a total disk reformat. The files have new attributes they did not have before and we now need to copy these files.


The operating system is telling Retrospect that these files are now different.


You should forget the old fat32 disk from Configure>volumes and select the new NTFS item as your source. You will have no choice but to copy all files again.

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