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Extremely slow Win2k backup

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I've been noticing one of my Win2k client backups are EXTREMELY slow, around 2mb/min. This is on a 100mb switched network, with the server on a 1000mb port. I've seen this issue posted around the forums before, yet no resolution.


Client is running 6.0 for windows, server is 5.0 Server, on a Mac OSXS 10.2.8.

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Just as a general troubleshooting task I would verify that NIC protocol negotiations are working properly. Many network admins prefer to set everything fixed i.e. 100 full-duplex vs. auto-negotiate. I think this is a relict from old days, and it would rather be difficult to run into these auto-negotiate incompatibilies anymore. Anyway, if there is a mismatch between a Switch-port and a attached computer than there will be lots of re-transmits as auto-negotiate will try to establish a error handling protocol, which does not exist in fixed full-duplex mode. Prior to OSX 10.3 it was not possible to manually set the NIC without unsupported tools, and it was always auto - working fine though if the switch was set to auto too.

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