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After backing up my HD to a LaCie external HD, Retrospect found 4 execution errors when verifing the backup. What can I do to fix them? Do they need to be fixed? The problems are at the root level (var, etc.)


Thank you,


Gay Castle

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Errors found on operation log


1. File "SystemEntropyCash": different modification date/time (set: 3/6/200


2. File "mail.log": differnt data size (set: 90, 607, vol: 93,055, path: Gay"s HD/private/var/log


3. File "system.log": differnet data size (set 13,204, Vol: 14,791), path Cay's HD/private/var


4. File "console.log": different data size (ser:811, vol: 1081), path Gay's HD/private/var/temp

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