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Still don't get the differentials done right

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I am having a hard time getting Retro to do what I want. I keep ending up with incremental backups instead of differentials. Here is what I have done:


1. Created a backup tape set with six tapes for the first week -

1 - First Week

2 - First Week

3 - First Week

4 - First Week

5 - First Week

6 - First Week


2. Created a backup tape set with six tapes for the second week -

1 - Second Week

2 - Second Week

3 - Second Week

4 - Second Week

5 - Second Week

6 - Second Week


My Full backup on Friday night to "First Week" takes up the first two tapes in the set. I want to pull out the first two tapes on Monday and have everything that has changed on the weekend and Monday backup to the third tape in the set. Then on Tuesday, have everything that has changed on the weekend AND Monday, AND Tuesday go in the set and so on for Wed and Thurs.


What keeps happening is that I get the full backup to tapes 1 and 2 for the weekend and tape 3 has Monday's changes, but tapes 4, 5, and 6 only have Tues, Wed, and Thur changes since the previous day. This means that if the server crashes Friday AM I have to use all six tapes to get back up and running instead of only having to have 3 tapes (2 weekend and Thurday).


How do I set the options so EVERYTHING that has change since the last FULL recycled backup gets put on each tape 3-6?

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Plain and simple, Retrospect won't do it. Retrospect only uses progressive (incremental) backups and cannot be used for differentials like what you have described.


Normally in this situation we would create two backup sets per week:

Week-1A this backups on monday and then you take it off site.

Week-1B Runs a full backup on Tues and then incrementals the rest of the week.


There are a number of ways to get the level of protection you are looking for. I think a 5 set 5 week rotation works the best but it may require hauling more tapes than you are hoping to.




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mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifThat is just horrible. Now instead of having to carry 3 tapes at most like I did with NT Backup I now have to carry all six for the week. Now if I have to do a restore instead of taking 3 tapes at most I now have to have all six tapes for the week if I crash on the end of the week. What a waste of time......


What were they thinking when they left this out? Even NT Backup which is for FREE has differential as well as incremental backups and I dont have to deal with all this tape naming. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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