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MultiServer v6.5 can see other subnets, but error 541 on our subnet


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We got retrospect up and running behind a linksys 10/100 router fine, and it could see another computer hooked up to the same router w/ the client installed fine, and we even ran tests to backup and those passed.


But now that the server is connected to our main university network, it can't see any of the computers in our particular subnet. If I increase the number of multicast router hops allowed, I can see clients in all the different subnets on campus. If I use subnet broadcast on our subnet, it won't bring up any clients.


I've installed and re-installed teh clients, and they're up and running. We can ping back and forth between 3 client computers and the server, but when Retrospect tries to add the client, a 541 - client not installed or running error comes up. So I know that the computers can connect to each other, but the server can't access or see the client software itself.


I tried tracing the error to port 497 tcp/uudp not being open, but under TCP/IP filtering on the server and clients, I temporarily enabled all tcp and udp ports for the test on both ends, but the same 541 error still shows up.


We've tried to trace the problem to a Dell PowerConnect 5224 Switch and to its IGMP settings, but with no luck. Even if we plug into our network without going through the switch, we get the same error.


If it helps, the server has 2 NICs, 1 gig each, I've eliminated the source from being the 2 NICs confusing retrospect. The server has static IP addresses, and the clients I tested have either static or DHCP assigned IPs.


So why can I see the retrospect clients in other subnets on campus, but not on my own? It should less router hops away from the in-house retrospect server.





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We had problems getting our backup server to see the clients in other networks on our WAN because our network group does not have forwarding turned on in our central router's config in order to conserve bandwidth.


What we did to overcome this problem is centralize DHCP services on our WAN. The clients receive their IP address assignments from a W2K DHCP server (which is either at our head office or at one of our regional centres) that registers with our central W2K DNS servers.


(We use a 22 bit mask,, which gives us 1022 addresses - x.x.8.2 to x.x.11.254 - In each location, we use the .8 subnet for static assignments and serve the .9 and .10 subnets from one of our regional centres. The .11 subnet is served from our central office as a backup to the regional centres.)


Then we use a standardized naming convention for all clients in all locations assigning a unique host name to each one that identifies the host's location, the host's department and whether the host is a desktop or a laptop (We use separate servers for each). We then add each client to the Retrospect server's client database using its fully qualified domain name. Since DNS always knows what the clients IP is and assuming the WAN is up and functioning properly, we have zero problems backing them up.


Note: This will work if you use Microsoft DNS and DHCP servers together... It could also work with other DHCP server software that supports dynamic updates and other DNS server software that is Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) 8.1-compliant or later...










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Natew: I can't add using direct add in teh client entering window, and I've played with the Dell PowerConnect 5224's IGMP settings to try and get the switch to at least forward multicast packets between the backup server and a client computer both plugged into the same switch. No success at least for now.


I've re-setup the Linksys router and it works fine, the server can see the client computer, even over a plain old hub. Weird thing is, I can't reproduce the error on the actual network (the 541 error) even when I turn off multicast filtering on the Linksys router. Even if I have the router restrict ports 407 on tcp and udp packets, it will log an error message and show that it drops the packet, but the client will still show up in retrospect.


As for the centralized router re-configuration, I'm headed that way next if my tests can nail it to the routers in our building. I'll keep posting.


Thanks for the help, and keep it coming!!



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I noticed the IP address on your post is 169.xxx.xxx.xxx. Is that the same address range the clients are using? We have confirmed a problem with the 6.5 client that prevents it from binding to any adapter in the 169.xxx.xxx.xxx range. This was initially designed to prevent the client from binding to NICs in the 169.2??.xxx.xxx range (this is the address Windows machines use when they don't get an IP address on startup)


Try installing a copy of the Retrospect 6.0 client and see if it helps.




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Awesome!!! We installed teh 6.0 client on several workstations, and now it works!


However, we can only see clients through subnet broadcast and only if they are not on our 1 gig switch. The curious thing is, the retrospect server is on the gig switch, but can broadcast through the connection to all the 100Mbps connections, but if a client is on the 1 gig switch that the retrospect server is on, retrospect can't see the client.


Is it a problem with the broadcast packets being dropped? Network Operations Center told me to check the VLANs, but the Dell PowerConnect 5224 switch has all ports in VLAN1 as members (untagged). How does subnet broadcast work for retrospect?

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Glad that worked - hopefully we'll have the 6.5 client sorted out soon.


My understanding is that it is a standard broadcast - nothing fancy. Can you add clients by address on the gig switch? If not it is likely a setup issue on the switch.



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We can now see clients on our gig switch. Turns out the other client had a firewall running.


On a different note, I've setup Proactive Backup Scripts before I left for the weekend, and when I came back today I checked the log and it hasn't run at all. I fast forwarded the server's clock to the active time of the scripts (7pm to 7am) and the scripts become active, however, they are all waiting for media in the "status" column of the proactive tab in the activity monitor.


The library is a PV132T from Dell. The backup sets are all in the library, and under "devices" I can see the backup set and all the members. Our tape library seems to not be moving the tapes from the storage slots to the drive.


Help! Normal backup scripts exectue a little weird too, skipping non empty members.

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