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Retrospect Duplicate Won't Select ALL Folder. Why Not??? Need URGENT Help, please! Thanks


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When I try to make a duplicate, retrospect will only select some of the files and folders, not all like it should. So when I try to manually select the folders, it won't let me "check" some of the folders!!!! Why not? That makes no sense and renders the program useless! For example I can not duplicate the "Application Data" folder, which is highly essential for creating a COMPLETE backup. Can someone please enlighten me as to why Retro fails to make a complete duplicate and only will allow you to choose some of the folders, not all.




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Empty folders are not selected for backup however they are recorded in the snapshot. In the event of a restore they are recreated as needed. Is the "all files" selector showing on the backup overview screen?


can you verify that there are actually files (not folders) within the folder you have mentioned?


Keep in mind that you can only use the "backup" function in Retrospect for a restoreable system backup. "Duplicate" does not make a copy of your registry in Retrospect Express. You need Retrospect professional for that.


BTW what OS and Retrospect version are you using?






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