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Selectors don't select correctly

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I'm very frustrated with Retrosprect 5.1.167. I create a backup script and define a selector that will back up encloding folder that matches the name System Folder and another selector that will back up enclosing folder that matches the name Applications (Mac OS 9). After defining these two selectors, I go the the Selector menu and select Check Selector. After it scans the remote client, it shows me a list of what will be backed up based on my selectors. Problem is the list includes several folders that don't meet the selector criteria. Any thoughts?



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I just ran a test with this criteria and it worked fine:


Enclosing folder name contains Applications (Mac OS 9)

or matching

Enclosing folder name contains System Folder


I ran it against my OS 9 volume and the only folders with check marks are the Applications (Mac OS 9) folder and the System folder.

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