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Oh you guys are killing me! Where's Fiber Channel support for StorageTek L40?

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Note to Retrospect Server 6.0 (for Mac) developers:


1) Thanks for Fiber Channel Support

2) Thanks for Mac OS X 10.3 support

3) Thanks for Xserve RAID support


BUT YOU'RE KILLING ME doh.gif by not including support

for the StorageTek L40 tape library using Fiber Channel

(you support it only with SCSI now).


Please let me know that this feature is coming "REAL" soon.



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I will let the hardware team know that you have made the request. Because we use the same SCSI drivers as we did with Fiberchannel, it is possible that it will just work out of the box for you.


If you ALREADY OWN this hardware, you can download a 6.0 trial and see if Retrospect sees the fibre channel library.


I will ask the hardware team to investigate future support.

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