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Retro 5.0.238 hangs on initial write

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Hi folks, I need some help.


I have a G3/OS 9.2.2 running Retro 5.0.238 with an Adaptec 2940U2B attached to a Quantum Superloader DLT1. Everything works fine with this setup. However, we're getting gigabit on our network and I am trying to upgrade to a G4/OS 10.2.8 running Retro 5.0.238 with an ATTO UL3S attached to the same Quantum DLT1. Both setups are using the Retro 5 Driver Update v 3.6.106.


Every time I run Retro in OS X, it hangs Retro as it tries to write the very first piece of data and needs a reboot to reset the SCSI bus.


Things I have tried:

Putting the Adaptec card in the G4 - hang.

Putting the OS 9 drive (&booting from) and the Adaptec card in the G4 - hang.

Putting the OS 9 drive (&booting from) with the ATTO card in the G4 - hang.

Update the firmware on the Superloader with all 3 of the above - hang.


I have tried & followed all of the troubleshooting for Retro/SCSI/OS X on the support pages as well as in the forums (natew, AmyJ) to no avail. There is nothing else on the SCSI bus, and it is terminated at the Superloader (won't see it at all if not terminated)


A few quirks that I've noticed:

Apple System Profiler reports the ATTO as a UL3D instead of a UL3S.

Apple System Profiler reports 2 channels & 2 (IOSCSI parallel)devices, the Super loader and a UHDL from Quantum.

The ATTO tools report 2 channels as well.


Anything I'm missing? Any thoughts on something else to try?



Stu Duncan

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Make sure you are using the 1.6 version of the Atto driver. Retrospect 5.0 is not compatible with the latest 2.x and 3.x drivers. Also make sure you have the most current firmware on the SCSI card.


Any chance you can try putting the atto card in the G3? That will help us determine if the card is functional or not.






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That sounds exactly like the problem. I do have the 2.0.4f1 installed, which is probably why Retro is hanging on write. However, I only seem to be able to find the 1.01 driver/firmware updater combo. Any ideas where the 1.6 driver, esp. for OS X, exists?



Stu Duncan

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I put the ATTO card in the G3, and get the same problems. I forgot to mention in my initial post that the tape library can be manipulated, moving tapes in & out, so the ATTO card does work, at least somewhat. However, this could still be a driver issue as I don't see any driver at all on the G3 (or for download - the firmware/driver combo v 1.66 is really just a firmware updater and when you run it, it's only for PSCs, not IL3x as the web page says.)


Again, it could be just a driver issue for Retro, but I can't seem to find the right driver. BTW, the card has the 1.6.6f firmware on it.


So where is that driver?



Stu Duncan

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