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Retrospect not seeing tape library as a loader

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We have a dual 1.25GHz Mac running Server 10.3.2 with Retrospect 5.0.238. We have a DLT 7-tape library from ADIC which shows up as compatible in the compatibility chart. It is connected to an ATTO ExpressPCIPro PSC.

When going to the devices menu, it sees the DLT but only as a single tape drive. The pop-up menu to the right should change to Loader in recognician of the library, but it doesn't.

Apple System Profilier sees all of the tape drives in the library so it seems as though the Mac is seeing things correctly. We downloaded and installed newer drivers from ATTOs website - no change.

Anyone have any idea what to do, or why it won't see it as a loader?



Randall Roddy

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I have a similar problem since installing Panther.

Retrospect 5.1.175 is running on a dual 1 ghz G4 with Mac OS X 10.3.2

I have an Adaptec 31960 and a Sony SDX-500C with a tape library which is the only thing attached to the interface.

Retrospect seems to see the tape drive ok, but not the library, which worked fine before the Panther upgrade.


It seems Panther installs version 1.1 of the Adaptec 31960 driver, so I've tried version 1.2 and 1.3b1, but the problem is the same.


I tried reinstalling Retrospect, the Retrospect Driver Update and the Retrospect SCSI update, but still the same.

Does anyone know if this combination might work with Retrospect 6 for mac? Any suggestions for making it work before 6 arrives?

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Similar problem with me, as well, hogh I'm now one step worse.


I had Mac OS X Server 10.2.x on a dual G4 800, 1.35 GB RAM, ATTO ExpressPCI Pro UL3D host adapter, Qualstar TLS-4212i (Rorke label) with Sony SDX-700C drive. Retrospect 5.0.238.


This setup was working fine, then I got the wise idea to move to Server 10.3.2. Launched Retrospect and the devices dialog only showed the AIT drive, and not the loader. So, I downloaded and installed the 3.0.0 driver for my ATTO card and rebooted. Now, Retrospect doesn't recognize anyhting but the Superdrive. Apple System Profiler sees it, and Retro's verbose SCSI logging mentions it:


? Retrospect version 5.0.238

launched at 1/13/2004 4:32 PM

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version 3.6.106

kyxDidLoad: KyxClass class version 0x503 loaded

arxDidLoad: ArxClass class version 0x503 loaded

nildrDidLoad: DatClass class version 0x501 loaded

onstDidLoad: OnstClass class version 0x501 loaded

dltDidLoad: DltClass class version 0x502 loaded

dsixDidLoad: DsixClass class version 0x504 loaded

datDidLoad: DatClass class version 0x503 loaded

dprwDidLoad: DVD_PRW class version 0x502 loaded

dvdVPCTDidLoad: DVD_VPCT class version 0x501 loaded

cdrVPCTDidLoad: CDR_VPCT class version 0x501 loaded

cdrVPCTbDidLoad: CDR_VPCT_BASE class version 0x501 loaded

cdrVarPackDidLoad: CDR_VARPACK class version 0x501 loaded

cdrFixPackDidLoad: CDR_FIXPACK class version 0x501 loaded

dvdMMCDidLoad: Dvd_MMC_Class class version 0x501 loaded

cdrMMCDidLoad: Cdr_MMC_Class class version 0x501 loaded

cdrMMCBaseDidLoad: Cdr_MMC_Base_Class class version 0x501 loaded

cdrFormatterDidLoad: CDR_FORMATTER class version 0x501 loaded

cdrBaseDidLoad: Cdr_Base_Class class version 0x502 loaded

cdrDidLoad: CdrClass class version 0x501 loaded

DeviceAccess: Opened Device PIONEER|DVD-RW DVR-103|1.90

DeviceAccess: Opened Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Opened Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Closed Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Closed Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Opened Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Opened Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Closed Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Closed Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Opened Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Opened Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Closed Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Closed Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Opened Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Opened Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Closed Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Closed Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Opened Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Opened Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Closed Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Closed Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Opened Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Opened Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

SCSI SCSI-A:0: (<00> passed 5 more times)

SCSI SCSI-A:0: 4:32:18 PM Read <b8 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 08 00 00> [8 bytes]

[8 bytes] > 00 00 00 11 00 00 01 50

DeviceAccess: Closed Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Closed Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

DeviceAccess: Opened Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Opened Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

SCSI SCSI-A:0: 4:32:18 PM Read <b8 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 01 58 00 00> [344 bytes]

[344 bytes] > 00 00 00 11 00 00 01 50 02 00 00 10 00 00 00 d0 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

DeviceAccess: Closed Device QUALSTAR|TLS-4212i|2.18

DeviceAccess: Closed Device SONY|SDX-700C|0103

nildrGetDriveScsiID: loader says a drive at 2

nildrGetDriveScsiID: loader says a drive at 2

nildrGetDriveScsiID: loader expects a drive at 0:2

SCSI ATAPI-C: (<00> passed 0 more times)

Sense > 70 00 02 00 00 00 00 0e 00 00 00 00 3a 00 00 00 00 00


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Retrospect 5.0 does not support the newest SCSI drivers from Atto. You will need to use the 1.6 version of the driver. The bad news is that Retrospect 5.0 has not been tested with Panther. You will need 5.1 or the upcoming 6.0 version for full compatibility.




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As far as Retrospect 5.0 and Panther, I know it's not been tested but was hoping I'd be able to get a workable solution until our upgrade to 6.0 is ordered and arrives (probably not until after Feb 1, fiscal year nonsense).


I'll look for the 1.6 driver, though all I can find on ATTO's site are 2.1.0 and 3.0.0. Most likely, though, I'll just return to OS X Server 10.2.x and keep the drivers as they were...


Thanks for the info.

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