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What Is Happening To Source Group Selecting Or What Am I Doing Wrong


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With Retrospect V6.5 (6.5.319) I have the following volume Source Groups defined (I am showing drive letters in the order specified and not volume names). Also, G is the Windows XP Professional SP1 volume.


GR00 - C, D, E, G, I, L, F

GR01 - C, D, E, G, I, L

GR02 - F


If I run a backup using either GR00 or GR01 I get the expected results and the associated volumes are backed up in the order specified by the Source Group that was used.


However, if I try to run a backup using Source Group GR02, it attempts to back up all volumes instead of only that associated with drive F. Why is that happening or what am I doing wrong?


Thank You,

Carl E. Johnson

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That fixed the problem. I deleted all of the Source Groups, restarted Retrospect, recreated all three of the source groups from scratch (instead of just adding GR02 as I had done previously. All selections and volume order are now as expected.


Although a moot point, to answer your question selecting drive F as a volume and not through a source group worked as expected. That is how I ran the backup until this problem was resolved.


Thank You,

Carl E. Johnson

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