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Media too different

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Trying to complete an end-year backup I filled the third DVD of the set and tried to start another. I received the error message "The disc cannot be added to this backup set. It is too different from the other media in the set." the set consists of 2 Apple 2x DVD-Rs. and a Datawrite 4x DVD-R. The new addition was a Verbatim 4x DVD-R. it also rejected a Datawrite 4x DVD-R and a verbatim CD-RW (only 733 M left to back-up). It even said the same for a Datawrite2x DVD-RW, which normally works when all else fail.


Admittedly, (after I had rebuilt the catalog several times because of failures) it failed to ask me to insert a new disc when disk 3 was full (4.3GB) - instead it reported error 100 (device rejected command). I thought I could get round this by telling it at the end of the last recatalog that there was a 4th member when it asked and then reporting that one as missing. So it is trying to write disc 5.


Must I leave this set incomplete? I shall start a new set anyhow for 2004


15" iMAC with Sony DW-U10A superdrive OSX 10.2.8, Desktop 5.1.175, Driver 4.2.105

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You are correct, you can most certainly write at 2x on 4x media. The key difference is that dvd media actually tells the drive what speed it is rated for. I think that may change the way the disk is recognized by Retrospect no matter what speed the writes actually happen at.


I'm also sure that Retrospect is compatible with both formats but mixing them may be a problem. For example: with CD-Rs you can switch to CDRW once but the if you try to switch back you may get the media too differerent error. I suspect what you are seeing is a similar problem.




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I have another set with mixed format - 4 Grey Datawrite 2x DVD-R, one Datawrite red 4x DVD-R and one Datawrite Yellow 4x. neither 4x produced a media too different error message but on reflection it did produce a different error which perhaps should be the subject of a different thread - it never seems to reach the end of the DVD when recataloguing and I have generally forced quit. Now I have looked at the log I see the compression rate is 4,432% which may explain why Retrospect claimes it had added 11Gb when when "configure members showed the DVD contained only 4,2 GB


+ Executing Recatalog at 21/12/2003 20:17


To backup set DVD HD Q3 2003…


21/12/2003 23:06:45: Execution completed successfully.


Completed: 66684 files, 16.9 GB


Performance: 104.4 MB/minute


Duration: 02:48:51 (00:03:19 idle/loading/preparing)




+ Executing Immediate Backup at 21/12/2003 23:16


To backup set DVD HD Q3 2003…




- 21/12/2003 23:16:22: Copying G4 iMAC…


Trouble writing: “5-DVD HD Q3 2003” (4250677248), error 206 (drive reported a failure: dirty heads, bad media, etc.).




[ Comment - DVD 5 is first 4x DVD in the set]




Additional error information for device "Sony DVD RW" [0:1],


Sense >


(SONY |DVD RW DW-U10A |A13b)


21/12/2003 23:50:42: Comparing G4 iMAC…


File “Operations Log”: different data size (set: 705,225, vol: 705,282), path: “G4 iMAC/Library/Preferences/Retrospect/Operations Log”.


File “SystemEntropyCache”: different modification date/time (set: 21/12/2003 22:41:16, vol: 21/12/2003 23:41:21), path: “G4 iMAC/private/var/db/SystemEntropyCache”.


File “console.log”: different data size (set: 8577, vol: 8839), path: “G4 iMAC/private/var/tmp/console.log”.


21/12/2003 23:56:15: 4 execution errors.


Completed: 4314 files, 459.4 MB, with 4432% compression


Performance: 41.4 MB/minute (27.6 copy, 82.7 compare)


Duration: 00:39:53 (00:17:42 idle/loading/preparing)




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For the 206 error you can pretty much bet that there was a problem in reading or writing the media. The sense code indicates that there was a cummunication of some kind. There are a lot of possiblities but device/ media compatibility can cause this kind of thing. It could also be a slightly damaged disk too. You might want to set this disk as "missing" and continue your backups on a new disk.




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