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Retrospect SLOW response to user input


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I have searched the forums for other users with a similar issue but I was surprised to find no one else is complaining about how slow the Retrospect interface is to respond user input. Maybe it is just our system?




Dual 2.2GHz Dell P4 with hyperthreading ON


1 Gig of RAM


Lots of HD


85 Clients in Proactive Backup, (70% usually connected to the network)


Rarely does Retrospect consume 80% of CPU cycles, but it is always slow slow slow! It normally draws between 0 and 15%.


It is the only application running on this computer.


Retro uses 1 - 6 channels simultaneously.




On this system and under this load ...




Should it take 10 - 30 seconds to switch between Activity Monitor tabs?


Should it take nearly a minute to open the client list?


Should the hourglass cursor constantly engaging (20 times per minute)?


Should the program ever be so busy that close boxes and buttons don't provide user feedback?




This is one frustrating program to deal with under our load conditions. As an experiment, I have reduced the size of the Log to 2 Meg. No measureable improvement.




Any suggestions for getting Retro to start acting less like Alpha software?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

My god - I am having the same issue!!! It is extremely frustrating... I have installed on a fresh win 2003 server with no luck... it used to work fine... now it is unusable without any workstations configured.


P4 3.0 Ghz

1GB Ram


Retrospect Multi Server 7 with add ons


Performance is unbearable... I will be calling in today... willl post any solutions I get...

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hello people,

to jump in...I am having the same issues on the win2K adv. server.

It freezes up the server just by using any function in it....configure scripts...configure devices...it even locks up my terminal service so it is unusable for about 1 hrs or whatever the Retrospect is doing. on the performance monitor though there is no indication of procesor or memory peaks....any idea what is going on? verions 6.5 worked just fine

is there an overlooked update that needs to be done?


2x xeons at 3.2Ghz

8 GM ram


Retrospect Multi Server 7 with add ons



Many thanks for the advice!

All the best!

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