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External Firewire drive ran out of space: strategies to switch drives?

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I am running Retrospect Workgroup for Mac OS X for a network with 8 computers. I have the main Backup set in an external firewire drive that will soon reach the drive's capacity. I already predicted that this would happen, so I installed the drive in one of those hot-swappable enclosures. I have a new drive ready to take its place and continue the backups, but Retrospect won't continue from where it left off. It wants to copy every file over again to the new drive.


What would be the best way to use external firewire drives with retrospect? How do I use more than one drive for a single backup set? How do I continue the backup on the new drive from where the old one left off?


Any help would be appreciated.

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  • 4 months later...

This is something I would like to do as well, I am looking for a way. If I can fool Retrospect into thinking the USB drive is a big removable disk, it will span to another drive.


I don't know wether this can be done without creating one massive file. A bunch of small files would be better.



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