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THREE Retrospect 5.0.238 questions

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Mac Retrospect 5.0.238

Mac OSX 10.3.1


I use Retrospect to weekly back up my Mac G4, a Windows ME and a Windows XP computer over a 100bt Ethernet network. My backup media is a 120 gb Firewire hard drive.



Typical backup speeds from my log are as follows:

Windows XP: Performance: 112.8 MB/minute (114.3 copy, 111.4 compare)

Windows ME: Performance: 122.2 MB/minute (122.9 copy, 121.4 compare)

Macintosh OSX (Local): Performance: 108.3 MB/minute (109.0 copy, 107.6 compare)


Of course, the performance varies as to what kind and how much data was backed up. My big question is this: Why do I regularly see faster performance when backing up the Windows computers than I see when Retrospect is backing up a hard drive LOCAL to the machine? How is it possible that a network operation can be faster than a local backup of an IDE drive to a Firewire destination?




Ever since I installed iDVD, I see several errors in the log every time the backup runs. Here are a few of the errors:


Folder “iDVD ?????????? ????? ?????????.rtfd” not found in parent folder “«—±€ - ¡?ø‰ ¡§??”.

Folder “?iDVD? ÇÃÉCÉìÉXÉgÅ[ÉãÇÃëOÇ….rtfd” not found in parent folder “ì?ñ{åÍ - èdóvÇ»èÓïÒ”.

Folder “?à¿Â‰ iDVD? ëOêøêÊâ{ʧ.rtfd” not found in parent folder “î…ÈìíÜï? - èdóvéëêu”.

Folder “'Lees voordat u 'iDVD?' installeert.rtfd” not found in parent folder “Nederlands - Belangrijke Informatie”.

Folder “?à¿ëï iDVD? îVëOêøêÊâ{?.rtfdd” not found in parent folder “ºÚÃÂ÷–Œƒ - ÷ÿ“™–?œ¢”.


What causes this and what can be done about it? I have run the disk repair utility and also Norton's Disk Doctor and all reports well.



I discovered while writing this that I've missed the 5.1 upgrade. Frankly, everything has been working smoothly and I've had the luxury of "ignoring" Retrospect, even through the numerous OSX updates including the upgrade to Panther. Is there a compelling need to upgrade to 5.1? Are my backups at risk (or my ability to restore) if I don't upgrade?


Thanks in advance for any comments anyone may wish to contribute!


(OH yeah...if I upgrade to 5.1 will the mouse scroll wheel finally work in the LOG???) grin.gif



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Question 1 Speed:


It is quite possible for this to happen and can be caused by a number of things. The speed of your internal hard disk is a major factor. There may also be less overhead with a network transfer becuase it only has to write to a single drive on the backup machine.


Retrospect 5.x can't handle unicode characters quite yet so there are some file names that will cause this error. Unless you read Chinese you can ignore those errors or delete the source files themseles (They are just help files)


Retrospect 5.0 has not been tested with panther so it is hard to say how risky it is to use in 10.3. The safest bet is the upgrade to 5.1




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