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SLOOW Backups


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Need some help here.. Retrospect 6.5 with the latest updates. It is running extremely slow for any of our servers that run from remote sites. We have 100MB links to our remote sites yet it take 5 hours to backup 5GB. I can backup 5GB in less than an hour locally, and I can pull accross the network from our remotes sites in about an hour as well. Why is retrospect taking so long? Also, is there any way to skip a backup client? It seems retrospect gets stuck and won't just timeout and go on to the next client.. VERY Annoying. Thanks

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In the Retrospect operations log it will give some specific stats on the average speed of backup and compare. What does it say there? Is your router handling the VPN connection or is it happening in software?


Can you give some more details of what is happening when Retrosepct gets "stuck"?





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You can access the Retrospect operations log from the Window menu at the top center of the screen. The log will have specific statistics for backup, compare, compression etc for each volume in the backup.


That should give us some concrete numbers to work with.



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