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Trouble Restoring Mailbox


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I am using Server 6.5 with an exchange license. I am able to back up mailboxes / exchange. I am able to see the exchange server in my volumes.. etc.. everywhere except when I go to restore a mailbox and choose a destination. In the destination dialog box it shows the various computers, but mailboxes are not listed under the exchange server. If I clic on that computer and view the properties it shows my exchange volumes there.

Mailbox as a choice on the right side of the window is also greyed out. I have the user configured with all possible privleges, I can select and back up the exchange server. It's only when I try to restore a mailbox that I seem to have no "Mailbox" destination to send to?

Can anyone offer some places to look here- I am out of ideas...

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I just ran a test restore on my win2K/ Exchange 2K serverand the mailboxes showed up for restore just fine. What OS and Exchange version are you using? Are you using Retrospect 6.5.336? Does this happen when you try to restore any mailbox?




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I am using 6.5283 multi server with exchange 5.5. Using any mailbox snapshot as the source, when I get to the destination screen my mail server shows up as any other computer. Without exchange options or a + sign for the mailbox volumes to restore to.

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the 336 build of Retrospect 6.5 specifically addressed some issues with Exchange so you should start by running an update.


If you go through the first few screens of a database restore does the exchange database show up as a destination?


Does the mailbox container show up under configure->volumes?






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