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disc incompatibility with OSX10.2.8

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I having difficulty trying to use Retrospect 5.1 with my OSX10.2.8. I have gone to both Apple and Dantz sites and downloaded updates to 5.1 and 5.11 with no improvement. The message is "incompatible" when I insert a DVD disc (I've tried several), and when I click on device status I get the following: "ATAPI-A; vendor HL-DT-ST; product DVD-RW GCA-4020B; driver RDi(TAO) (5.11)". I initially tried to use a generic brand DVD-RW, but since have been trying Apple DVD-Rs. Please, is there ANYTHING I can do to get it to accept my discs? [color:black] [/color] :headslap

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The minimum firmware version required for this drive is DO2F. What version do you have listed under the version heading in the device status window? It looks like you ran a custom configuration for this drive (rdi driver) even though it is natively supported in Retrospect. Try removing the rdi file from the Retrospect preferences folder (library/preferences/retrospect) and see if that helps. Does DVD RW or CD media work?






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My device version is DO2D and I thought the updates I ran were supposed to fix that somehow but obviously didn't. I removed the rdi file from the Library prefs as you suggested but that didn't help. I noticed in passing that there are four other files in that Library pref Retrospect file that I must have put there (because of the dates) named "LaunchRetrohlpr", "RetroConfig.tmp", "Retrodata.tmp" and "retrorunfile". Could they be causing any trouble? I also checked my computer (IMac OSX10.2.8) and the system profiler applications file has 8 copies of something called "Retrospect Event Handler". Is that reasonable? I have not tried any CD's and the one DVD-RW that I tried was not a certified "Apple" and wasn't accepted either. Any further suggestions?

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