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Cannot get Plextor PX-708a working

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I read the documentation about making your own CD/DVD driver in Retrospect 6.5 (very cool), but I cannot get the drive to run. I thought that perhaps I should try removing the current driver, and then trying to have Retrospect make a new one, but noy joy there. I still get error 100 "device rejected commands" when backups run.


Are there any other drivers that need loading in Windows? I upgraded the firmware when I got the drive and did not install any other software.


Any suggestions?

Thanks a ton,


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Error 100 usually indicates an incompatibility between the backup device and media. Does this happen with all of the media types you try? Does it happen with different brands of media?


What OS are you using? Have you tried using ASPI instead of NT passthrough or vice versa?



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I am not sure what you mean by this statement:


"Have you tried using ASPI instead of NT passthrough or vice versa?" - I don't understand the context you are using these terms with.


I have been trying to make drivers for the different media types (DVD+R, and DVD+RW). I haven't used different brands yet.

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The nt passthru/aspi setting is in "Retrospect Secret Preferences" under "Execution" accessed by typing <ctrl>, <alt>, P, P. Nate is suggesting that you take note of what the setting is now, and then switch to the other. I would also add that it is best to not make any other changes (i.e. media, etc) so you can see if this change helps.

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