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Passwords and clients


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We're using a regular NetBT LAN, and so I'm trying to get a web page up that people can be directed to, to install the client software. I'm letting them enter a password of "1234" for the client install, as I thought that the Set Password option in the Client config would change that, which is what I've been doing. Then, as I'm still testing things, if I remove a client, and then add it again, and try to use the password that I set, it doesn't work - the "1234" password is the only one that still works at that point.


Am I missing something? Does this option not change the password on the client? Does it just change the password on the server that allows access to said client? Do I have to go around to every system and enter an actual password (for 50 systems, I hope I don't have to).


Thanks once again in advance.

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I just tested this using Retrospect 6.5 and the client 6.5. Once I changed the password the client remembered the new password even after forgetting the client once and logging it back in. In short it works as expected.


What versions of Retrospect are you using? Does the user specify the password when they do the install or have you done that?




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Thanks for the reply - I'm using the latest version (6.5.336). The client has been putting in the password, and it's initially right, as I can connect the client to the server after installation. The only client I've found this on I Forgot for some more testing, and at that point I had to connect with the old password (1234) to re-add it to the server.


It's possible that I didn't set our designated password for the client, but there were only 2 clients on the system at that time, and I'm 99.9% sure that it was. I'll test some more, now that I can be sure that this is the way it works and there's no obvious known issues with it, and post back should I find something out.


Thanks for verifying the info, Nate.... I could just be addled. smile.gif

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