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Windows 95 clients freezing


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We got a real problem with our new 6.5 installation. We have a lot (50) of Windows 95 machines, unfortunately Retrospect causes most (not all) of them to lock solid when attempting a backup. They are all hardware identical and vital to our business. We can take an image of one drive, put it on another identical machine, one will work, the other will freeze. Tried all the suggestions about Win 95 clients without success. Retrospect server reports a -519 error when this happens. The same server installation is working well for our NT4, W2K & XP clients.

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Yes we have applied the recommended patches without any luck. Not looked at updated network drivers yet. Unfortunately all the machines that fail are vital to our system (we run a large broadcast system). Retrospect works OK on our spare machines, a complete imaged copy of the online machines. We did try isolating one of our online machines so it was directly connected to the retrospect server with no other net traffic and it locked up....


The REALLY annoying part of this is that (apparently) completely identical machines will behave differently, one will be fine, the other will lock up and this behaviour is repeatable.

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I susupect that the client is pushing more data across the network interface than normal -causing it to fail.


One "crazy" Idea. Add a new NIC to your Retrospect server and bump the speed down to 10Mb. Then use that to back up your clients. The slower throughput could give the 95 machines more time to catch up with the data throughput



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