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Great, buy the product then find out what it can't do.


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Sucks being me.

I bought the Disaster Recovery specifically for the DR-CD only to find out after that for NT this only works on a Local (ie the Retrospect server drive) and none of the NT clients. (The web page for the add-on doesn't specify this caveat with a foot note or anything.)


I even specified my environment to the Dantz agent.


I guess I missed something in the conversion, is there any hope of seeing this in the future???


Please... someone tell me I've got this ALL wrong.



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The nature of Windows NT makes a Client DR CD much harder to engineer. We suggest a "live restore", which allows a "restore entire disk" over a temporary install of the NT system.


I am sorry that you learned of this after making a purchase. We try avoid this type of situation by making product trials and product documentation available for download and review.

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