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Quick question...


We have a windows 2000 machine performing our backups. It has been working for a while now. But reading some of the information about ASPI, does our version need to be checked? If it is not the most up to date version, would this affect our backing up?


I ask this because whilst it has been running smoothly for the past 6 months or so, it is now satrting to come up with some errors. Just trying to knock out all possible causes.

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I'm actually getting a rash of -205 (I think) errors. It's the one about losing access to the storage medium. Our backup device is an internal DVD drive. All the cabling seems fine.

Backups are set to run overnight at about 10pm. Just last night, it ran through 3 and a half of the 4 computers it was suppose to backup and then stopped. When I came to work this morning, I found Retrosepct still running and the -205 lost access to storage device error message. When I acknowledged the error, a catalog out of sync message then came up. I have since repaired the catalog file and restarted the computers and it seems fine at the moment. I will wait and see what tonight's backup brings me.


But what could be causing the -205 error? I have been looking at the knowledge base and everything there seems to talk about SCSI stuff. (Ours isn't.) Is it possible that this message would appear if it is unexpectedly interrupted during its operation? (But our set up here has been in place for about half a year with no major changes and it has not played up before now.)

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Let me rephrase my last post as it was too general.


Make sure all 4 of the aspi files listed by the ASPICHK.exe file in the retrospect program folder are 4.61. If they are less than that then run ASPIINST.EXE to update. You can also update to 4.71 (it only updates 2 files) but I have not seen it fix anything yet.


I had wierd problems with my internal CD drive and the Intel application accelerator software for my hard drive controller. Removing that software seems to have fixed it and I don't see any speed difference either.


What is your device and what other devices are connected to the IDE bus? What hard drive controller do you have?



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