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Retrospect 6.5 Locks computer on Backup


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I have a home installation of Retrospect 6.5 running with Windows Me. Everything (software , drivers, etc) is up to date and all client and host computers are backed up to an external Maxtor 200Gb drive via USB 2 port. Everything was working great until I installed the updates 6.5.336 and the driver update 4.5 as posted on the web site. I always run full backups of all computer partitions.


Now, I can only do a single partition backup at a time with no file compare verification and compressed files. If I add verification the backup freezes the computer after the backup during the start of create catalog file. I used to be able to backup up for example all three partitions on my host computer with verification. Backups were a snap. Now I can only backup one partition at a time with no file compare verification.


I am fustrated and have tried everything I know and have reviewed all posts. Does anyone know what may be going on and how to fix this. No other software has been changed since the updates.

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You can actually delete the driver update as you do not need it to backup to hard drives.


You may want to try a new set of configuration files for Retrospect. They are called config65.dat and config65.bak. Just rename those files and relaunch Retropsect - that will start you off from scratch.


To date I haven't heard any other reports of this kind of thing but I'll keep my eyes open.




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I have done everything possible as recommended, which includes using new configuration files as well as uninstalling the entire restrospect software install that had been updated to 6.5.336 with driver updates 4.5 and finally did a cold install of 6.5.336 with no driver update. I use a Maxtor 200Gb drive and USB 2.0 port.


The system only locks up when backing up a boot drive (Windows Me) on the host machine and clients and it is dies when building the snapshot and freezes the system when it gets to the registry! I have disabled system restore and all other applications except for explorer, systray, and the Maxtor files so that I can remove the drive from the system. I can backup, verify,compress and create a snapshot of any other disk partition with no problem.


It appears that this Retrospect release does not like to backup the registry on a snapshot and therefore locks up. Is there something in the registry that must be cleaned out? Any help will be appreciated.

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Here's a shot in the dark. Are you using Norton Antivirus? It has a feature called "auto protect" that may cause problems for Retrospect. You can try disabling this feature.


I'm experimenting with this now. It will take me a bit more time to accumulate enough evidence that there is a problem with these two pieces of software.

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arnstein said:

Here's a shot in the dark. Are you using Norton Antivirus? It has a feature called "auto protect" that may cause problems for Retrospect. You can try disabling this feature.


I'm experimenting with this now. It will take me a bit more time to accumulate enough evidence that there is a problem with these two pieces of software.



I am using NAV 2003.


Most of the time I disable AutoProtect before runnning Retrospect, however, I often forget to do so and the only impact seems to be that Retrospect takes longer to run.


Sometimes, there will be a error listed due to the date/time stanp on a particular NAV log file changing, but that doesn't matter.


From now on, I'm planning on running REtrospect with NAV's AutoProtect enabled, so I don;t forget to enable after running Retrospect.


Also make sure that NAV's Office plug-in is disabled AT ALL TIMES, as long as you have AutoProtect enabled, the Office plug-in is not needed.

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I have fixed the lockup problem! It appears, at least for Windows Me installs, that the Restrospect 6.5 software upgrade may have a bug.


For either backups or duplications, the process is as follows:


Step 1

1) Select boot volume c for either backup computer or a client.

2) Select all files

3) In preview , deselect all files (uncheck)

4) Using verify and/or compress (backup only)

5) Execute script (scheduled or immediate)


A snapshot is made and the backup is successfull. No lock up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Step 2

1) Select same volume as in Step 1 and we are going to backup to the same backup set.

2) Select all files

3) Preview and select all files in that volume (all files checked)

4) Options to verify and/or compress

5) execute script


A snapshot is made and is appended to the first backup. This procedure allow you now to make a successfull disaster recovery cd. Selecting no files in Step 1 does not work and the sytem will hang up. Partitions other than c have no problems.



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