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Couldn't access client volumes, error -1 (unknown)

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I am running Retrospect Backup 5.0.238 and am having problems seeing volumes on a new XP machine running Client 6.5.132.


I am able to see and properly backup a mix of Macs and Wintel boxes running OS 10.x and Win2K and Win XP, so I don't think its a server issue.


I installed the client on the XP machine, assigned a password, and then went to Clients in the Directory on the server.


When clicking the Network button and the selecting Windows, I am able to see the new client. When I click on login and enter the password, the 'Backup Clients on Network' window changes the new client's status to Responding but an error message is displayed:

"Couldn't access client volumes, error -1 (unknown)"


After clearing the error box, I can then 'Configure' the new client. However, an error is displayed in the Configure window saying "Could not connect to client". The Volumes tab brings up a message saying "Network communication failed."


The client does NOT have a firewall turned on and is a new machine with no changes to its default setup except for MS-Office and Macromedia Studio, etc installed.


Any help you could provide would be much appreciated.



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Going back to client 6.0 did the trick.


Is there some logic behind the 6.5 client not working? Seems to me that since I am running XP the most up to date client should work.


At any rate, thanks for your accurate and timely advice.


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