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What is a Snapshot?


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I am a 'new' user .Took the plunge and purchased the product yesterday. I have some issues with the recycle command and disk space being freed up which I am investigating in a separate post.


I have a general question for the group .What is a snapshot? How does it differ from a backup?


thank you for you help











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A snapshot is like a photo image of your hard drive or source folders at the time they were backed up.


Retrospect runs incremental backups by default. This means that on the first backup Retrospect will backup every file on the disk. On the second backup however it will only ADD new and changed files to the backup.


On both days Retrospect takes a "snapshot" of the entire drive regardless of how many files were actually backed up on that day. When you restore you can just pick the snapshot of the day that you want.


The advantage is you don't have to worry about which files were backed up and when. Retrospect uses the snapshot to figure out which files to restore automatically.



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