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DVD-RAM works but not DVD-R

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From Device Status:


ID: FireWire-A




Product: DVD-RAM SW-9571


Version: A111


Driver: FireWire




Powermac G4 AGP Graphics


MacOSX Server 10.1.4


Retrospect Server 5.0.238


Device: Lacie Multi Recorder (300568) external Firewire Drive




I have two backup sets. One I would like to backup to DVD-RAM and the other to DVD-R. The DVD-RAM backup works fine, but when I attempt the DVD-R backup, my DVD drive is not listed, and when I insert a blank DVD, OSX sets it up but Retrospect does nothing.




Why would Retrospect work with one DVD type with my drive and not the other?




Thank you.

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This drive is not yet supported in Retrospect with DVDR/RW or CDR/RW media. Your best bet is to download a trial version of Retrospect 5.1 and use the CD/DVD autoconfiguration utility. Please post if you get this to work as there are other people asking about this drive.




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