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Multiple Set Backup Strategy

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Is it possible to automate a multiple set strategy like this:


Start with Set A, do Recycle Backup, and then Normal Backups for the next 8 weeks.

Then switch to Set B and repeat, then Set C. After 24 weeks, start over at Set A.


It would be even better if it could wait until a set fills up before going to the next one but I don't think Retrospect will do that.


I am backing up 30 computers over the network to an AIT-3 Library and a full backup (approx 450GB) takes a LONG time. Thus I only want to do this every couple of months. A 5 tape set gets me about 750GB which lasts over 2 months with normal backups.




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The best way to do this is to manually tell Retrospect to run a recycle when you change the tapes. On the settings for your backup set you can set the media action to "recycle". This will set it to Recycle on the next backup only.


You will also need to modify your script a bit every time you change tapes. Just change the destination backup set.


You could schedule the recycles to be automatic but that can end up causing trouble - especially when there is so much time between the backups.




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Thanks Nate for your comments.


Of course, what I would like to do here is automate the entire process. I don't really "change" tapes since all three sets of five tapes exist in the library at all times (although I may keep one set off-site and replace it with a like-named set).


I have been using the same script each time. Just changing the destination set and adding an additional one-time step of doing the recycle. I know this resets the catalog and erases the first member of the set. But I'm not sure if this will erase subsequent members as needed. That is, when I come back around to set A and all tapes 1-A, 2-A, etc are used, then do a recycle backup to set A; after 1-A is full, will it automatically go to 2-A, erase it, and then continue?


Would changing the media action as you suggested do this?

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Recycle backups will automatically reuse the media from before so there is no problem there.


You can set up this script but it will be complex and a bit time consuming. In the end you will have 27 scheduled events and 2 scripts -Have a calendar handy.


Normal backup script:

-Create a script and add all 3 backup sets as destinations.

-in your schedule add a day of week schedule

-Specify the start date (next monday will be easiest) and choose M-F and Backup set A

-Set the Weeks box to 24

-Add another day of week schedule, but move the start date to next week


You will have a total of 24 scheduled events for this script - one for each week of the rotation schedule. The key is to make sure the start date for each week is correct, the weeks box is at 24 and the backup set is correct.


Recycle script:

-In the same way as above create a script with the three backup sets

-in your schedule add a day of week schedule

-Specify the start date (next monday) and choose Monday only and Backup set A

-Set the Weeks box to 24

-Set the backup set action to "Recycle backup"

-Do the same for the other sets making sure the schedule matches that of your normal backup script.


Overlapping the Normal and Recycle backups is not a problem. As long as they are scheduled to take place at the same time the Recycle backup will override the normal.


The automate tab in Retrospect has a preview button that will help you verify everything is set up right.

Good luck!





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  • 2 months later...

Hi Nate,


I finally got around to trying this and it seems to be working. I put both the Normal and Recycle steps into one script and had to start each week on Sunday (since all Day of Week scripts apparently treat the week as starting then). So far so good (although I'd still love a "repeat until media is full" option.


Thanks for your help!

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