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Can Retrospect Win 6.0 read Mac 5.1 Catalogs & DVDs???


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Does anyone know if it is supposed to be possible to get catalogs on Windows via 6.0 that were created via Retrospect 5.1 on the Mac? I have both Win 6.0 and Mac 5.1 because I need to be able to backup audio files from production on either environment. I'd like to be able restore to the other platform. I have done a first test backing up on 5.1 under OS X 10.2.8, on to an HP DVD200e Firewire drive and DVD+R media. It backs up ok, and validates fine on 5.1. I then took the firewire drive to my PC system which has 6.0 installed, and attempted to recover the catalog from the DVD+R that was burned via 5.1 on OS X. It says that it's Invalid and won't extract the catalog. I had also tried to just moving the catalog over (via ethernet) from OS X to WinXP and Retrospect 6.0 thinks it's corrupted. Is there a way to work with both platforms so backups can be restored on the other?






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Thanks for the reply.

I find it a bit bizarre that there are clients that allow me to backup a PC that is networked to my Mac on my Mac, but that I can't actually utilize a UDF DVD from the Mac on Windows. I thought that since it is the same product from the same company, on the same media, on the same drive that it would be compatible. It would be a great feature for the future.


Can I restore to a client then? In other words, if I backup a win client on to the Mac 5.1, can I restore via 5.1 back to that windows client? I would assume that I could otherwise, what is the point of being able to back up the client in the first place....right???






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