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Retrospect 6.5 Installed on RIAD array fails to detect drives.


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Hello Ladies and gentlemen,


I have installed Retrosepect 6.5 professional backup software, on my RIAD array 0 configuration with windows XP professional operating system, at the time of launching the auto drive detection , retrospect 6.5 goes into the scanning mode and after a while it shuts down without detecting any drives attached to the system, and with no activity taking place.


My RIAD array0 is configured to use SATA intel controller on my mother board , and the IDE channels to which MITSUMI and SONY DVD DRU 500A drives are connected operate, and function normally.


When on the same motherboard, I attach a regular hardrive with no RAID enabled, retrosepect is able to detect automatically the same attached backup drives, and completes the backup operation.


Kindly let me Know how to make retrospect 6.5 to recognize the backup drives in RAID array 0 configuration, and complete the backup operation on RAIDarray 0 configuation.


Thanking You,


Best Regards,



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Hello Nate,


I have the latest version of Intel's RAID drivers for my Chaintech 9CJS motherboard, which I downloaded from Chaintech's website, but it seems that the issues, like not scanning the backup devices and drives is still not resolved with the latest version of drivers, are there any newer version released yet that may resolve this issue.


I downloaded the S-ata raid controller drivers today 10-28-2003 from chaintech's. Are there are any other configuration changes needed to my system beside the drivers, to make retrospect software to scan the backup drives and make a succseful backup of RAID 0 volumes.


Are RAID array volumes supported for backup with retrospect 6.5, if at all, is it limited for use in particular raid enviroment depending on system specifics



Thanking You,

Best Regards,



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I don't mean to be a pain but I just want to make sure. Intel's version of the application accelerator raid version is 3.5.2. These are new as of September 03. The Chaintech site posts no version but the date on the file is July.


My guess is the intel version will fix this for you.



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Hello Nate,


Thank you, yes the issue is resolved, the new drivers from Intel, Raid version 3.5.2 are the right drivers for my mother board, and Iam now able to scan the drives in RAID 0 array enviroments with retrospect version 6.5 bakup software.


Best Regards,



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