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Daylight saving time

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I am using Retrospect 5.0.238 on Mac OS X (10.2) to back-up Windows clients. Twice a year, each time the hour automatically changes on my Windows clients (plus 1 hour in spring, and minus 1 hour in October), Retrospect tells me that all files on some of these clients have changed and needs to be backuped again.


On some Windows clients, there are no problems. These are:

Celeron 500 MHz, Windows 2000 Pro

Pentium II 333 MHz, Windows XP Home.


On some Windows clients, all the files have changed. These are:

Pentium 4 2,4 Ghz, Windows XP Pro (I have 2 computers like that)

AMD Athlon 1,7 Ghz, Windows XP Home.


How can I tell Retrospect not to entirely backup those Windows clients 3 times each year (at the beginning of the year, when the time changes in spring, and when the time changes in October)?



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We share the same issue.


We observe this same issue on 3 entirely independent backup systems that are backing up multiple file servers over a network. The servers are a mix of Windows 2003, and SGIs.



As far back as 4.2 on OS9, the response from Dantz was to make sure the clocks were set correctly, this is obviously not the answer.


Every server, and Retrospect Mac station on the network, including the client that upload data to the servers are synchronized to the same NTP time server and their clocks are within seconds of eachother, clearely this is not a factor, or is it?


Typical data on servers are about 6 TB and scripts are written for incremental backups. Our tape costs around this time of year and in 6 months from now, is just astronomical! Unfortunately it takes 6 months to see if any changes have worked!


Any ways or ideas to resolve this?



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Sad to say it is indeed the correct article. Mac OS versions have changed but the way that the HFS+ file system keeps time has not. The cause of the problem is the same from OS8 all the way to OSX.




This kind of thing is actually quite common with different file systems. The key is that it is caused by the filesystem itself and not the OS.




For example: On windows you can have files with totally different creation times on the same machine just because disk formats (fat32 or NTFS) change.







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