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Super Drive DVD-RW/Hardware error 203

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Running Retrospect Backup Version 5.0.238 on a G4 dual 1 Ghz Mac OSX 10.2.8 and can't burn a full DVD. Reports hardware failure 2/3's through disc, don't have trouble with any other app DVD's or CD's.


Have had a look through the archives and it doesn't appear to be any resolutions. The Drive is the Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-104 (Device revision A227) that came with the machine.


This is the error?

Trouble writing: “1-chapter 003” (4288675840), error 203 (hardware failure).

Additional error information for device "Pioneer DVD/CD-RW" [0:1],

Sense >



Additionally have had Scanning incomplete, error -43 (file/folder not found).

Any ideas?




Cam :confused:

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I've had similar experience with Retrospect Express 5.0.238 on my iMac G4/800 with my Superdrive (Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-104). Haven't burned DVD's yet, but I get failures during a CD backup after about 3-4 disks are burned--Retrospect reports drive failures and/or media problems. (sorry, I don't have notes of the actual messages, but they're similar to yours.) I have no clue.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've encountered similar problems backing up to DVD's and have yet to to hear of a solution.

I upgraded to R.Desktop from Express with the hope that the problem would be fixed but am encountering the same problem as I did with the old software.


I am using 867Mhz Mac/OSX10.2.8 with 832 MB ram.

The drive is a - ATAPI-A PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-103 Version 1.90


I've had no trouble backing up to CD's, but DVD" have been a failure so far.


When retrospect asks for a DVD disc it gives back an error -- "Device trouble error 206 (dirty heads etc)


It's really annoying as every new storage set requires about 20 CD's to get up and running.





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I experienced similar problems and posted my own thread on the subject but have had no response. Do Dantz tech support people surf these forums? Are there no answers? It seems a lot of people are having these problems, but nobody has posted a solution, at least could some acknoledge these emails?



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One thing to note is that Retrospect does not support cd-rw media in either the Pioneer dvr 103 or dvr104. What brands of media are you using? What build number of Retrospect are you using? (5.x.xxx)


If you are using Retrosepct 5.1 try building a custom driver for the drive. That may work around the errors.



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