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Unattended backups don’t run

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I’m using Retrospect Backup v. 5.1.167 on a PowerMac G4/733 MHz/1Gb RAM/OS 10.2.6. I have a few Retrospect scripts set up to automatically (unattended) backup my two internal HDs to a Maxtor Firewire 5000DV external drive. Interestingly, some times the scripts work, and sometimes they don’t. There seems to be no discernible reason for the failures. When the scripts don’t work, Retrospect never loads and perusal of the log shows that the .app was never called. When the scripts do work, they always complete just fine.



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Delete the file "retrorunfile" located at:




Then launch Retrospect, quit Retrospect, Launch Retrospect again, and Quit Retrospect again.


The result will be a new version of this configuration file, populated with the date and time of your next pending script.



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it does not fix my current problem, after moving to 10.3.



Oh man, this made me actually laugh out loud!


Dantz posted a Panther Compatibility Statement last Friday at 8:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time, exactly when Apple released OS X 10.3, that states that auto-launch does not work in the new OS. It's linked right from the Dantz home page.





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You sir, are incorrect. I think perhaps you should go back and re-read the post you are referring to. mad.gif




I read it before I posted. I quote:





Retrospect is not able to autolaunch at the Panther login screen.





To most people this would mean the problem is isolated to Macs running Panther which are left at the login screen. It would be very different than saying autolaunch is globally broken in Panther, as you suggested.




I leave my computer logged on. So this doesn't apply to me. (unless of course Dantz was not being accurate regarding the problem)




Also, it may interest you to know that the scheduled backup worked fine last night. (I have no idea why)

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