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Retrospect 5.1 on dual-boot G4

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My 7600's hard drive is giving up the ghost (chokes TechTool Pro and Disk Warrior!) and I've ordered a dual-boot G4 that should get here next week.


Yesterday I ordered Retrospect 5.1 upgrade so it would be here when the new machine arrived. Somewhere in my reading (don't know if it applied to Retrospect or another program) there was something about the software not working on dual-boot machines running both OS9.x and OS 10.x.


Yesterday's sales rep said he thought Retrospect 5.1 would probably work on the dual-boot G4, but was not sure. Will Retrospect 5.1 work on my new dual-boot G4? There is no reason for me to buy/keep it (CD is in transit) if it is not going to work.


Please respond asap...first time I could boot up all week, and I don't know how long this is going to last today!!!


Thanks in advance.

Thurletta Brown-Gavins

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