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Client in use by root

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I'm running Retrospect Workgroup under OS 10.2. A few days ago, one client (also under 10.2) stopped being backed up because its status is "in use by root." What causes the client to stay in this status after backup is concluded, and how do I free up the client?






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Thanks, that did the trick, though it was a bit of a pain because the affected client is a database server. Any idea what causes this sort of problem?



While I can't provide any insight as to why the Client continued to believe it was in use, restarting the entire system is usually the last resort. It's easy enough to kill the client process (pitond) using either the terminal, or using the Retrospect Client application (that is a GUI to the actual unix process).


To kill from the Retrospect Client program, hold the Apple key down while clicking the "off" radio button. The Status window should say "not running." Then click the "on" radio button.


If this doesn't work, use the terminal:


sudo killall pitond

(type your password when prompted)


note: testing this in Panther just now results in the Status window saying "error during startup" which is different then what I remember happening in Jaguar (status changes to "not running"). But it doesn't matter, the result is the same, pitond is no longer running, and you can safely click on the "on" button to start it again.




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