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Doesn't work [running the uninstaller, reinstalling under different account etc]. Same response, with the retro icon showing up briefly in the dock, then disappearing after about 1 second



Although I'm always suspicious of responses that describe a posters actions with "etc," I'll assume that you were through in using the Installer to uninstall, and that you then re-installed into a clean environment (new preferences, etc).


That said, try closing all other windows when you double-click the Retrospect application. When the program runs, its default setting is to authenticate as an administrator user. This done by a process that has no dock icon, but does have a window. If that window is obscured (behind other windows, for example) you won't be able to proceed until you dismiss it correctly.



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I attempted to install with all windows closed...same thing, app keeps quitting. I previously installed in a clean enviro which didn't make a difference. I also tried installing under root, no difference. Clean environment should handle it if its a prefs conflict but can't understand why it would keep happening otherwise

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The sequence of events when Retrospect correctly launches is this:


- double click on Retrospect icon

- Dock icon bounces

- Dock icon disappears

- Authentication window appears

- User authenticates correctly

- Dock icon bounces

- Retrospect Directory appears


>>I attempted to install with all windows closed


My suggestion above was to be sure that all windows are closed when you launch the program itself, not when you launch the Installer. The authentication window can be hidden behind any window, even the window containing the Retrospect application on which you double-clicked (although in general it comes to the front when appropriate).


As of this time, Apple has pulled the 10.2.8 update. I installed it last night, and Retrospect still launches for me as expected.



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