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Terminal Server


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I've been running Retrospect,6.5 on Windows without issue for a couple of weeks. When I got back from vacation, my scheduled backup had not run. I thought I had straightened it out, but none of my backups ran over this weekend either. I did not find any errors. The last entry in the event log before vacation shows that Retrospect was launched. I suspect I must have inadvertently shut the program down, but I'm not particularly sure what I did differently than in past days. I was wondering if using Terminal Server to access the server might have contributed. What is the behavior if the terminal server session is not shut down properly (for instance if network connectivity is lost).




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What user do you have Retrospect to run as? For terminal services it is a good idea to create a "retrospect" user account and tick the "launch retrospect in terminal services" box in your Retrospect preferences.


If you lose network connectivity the terminal services session stays open unless you have set it to do otherwise. Retrospect will stay active in that session. However, Retrospect will still autolauch even if the session gets closed.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just as an FYI, it turns out the terminal server issue was a red herring.


Since I just started using Retrospect and had gone through one cycle of using the tapes, it was time to recycle them. I rescheduled the job to run while I was watching and found the problem - it was waiting to be prompted to go ahead and erase the tape. I went to configure/preferences/media/erasure, clicked the box to automatically reuse media and that took care of the problem.

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