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Retrospect 6.5 hangs with only 2gig to go


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We are backing up from an NT 4 and to NT4 using Retrospect 6.5. On one 50gig volume with 42gig data 170,000 files it hangs with about 10,000 files (2gig) to go. The lights all flash indicating that it is backing up but it will sit all day doing nothing. The client machines client says in use. If we stop the backup it cancels, updates the catalog and then says "retrying" (I presume its trying the client machine again). It then gives up and compresses the catalog.

The retrospect client on the client machine is then caught in a loop which can only resolved by a restart (stopping the service only makes it more confused)

We have thought it was corrupt files on the client so have deleted them but it then hangs on another file. Is there a limit to the number of files per volume we can back up? Always hangs with around the same number of files/data to go.


It backs up the other 3 volumes on the same client machine but not this volume. We have updated the retrospect client on the client machine.





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Not quite sure if these two are related (see Backup casues an NT server to go off network)


This always happens at the begining of a recycle backup for me. It happens a few times and then clears up. I keep trying to find out what the last file to be backed was, (Thinking it's some MAC to NT filename error or something) but browsing the contents of the sessions just reveals the general backup time not the specific time each file was backed up. confused.gif


Does your server loose all network connections?

Does the event system log fill up with Event ID 8003 errors?



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