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SingleServer v6.5 with onstream tapedrive

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Config: W2K server with all necesary patch en sp's, Restrospect Single server version 6.5.319 with an Onstream DI30 tape drive, firmware 1.09 and driver version


Installed and everything works fine (seems to be solid program).

The only trouble we have is that the tape or tapedrive or software doesn't see the full (compressed) capacity of te drive. The drive it self is a 15Gb native and 30Gb compressed drive, tapes have the same capacity. Altough when backingup the software always stops at 13.5Gb and asks to enter another tape.

I've checkedboxed different settings in the options, as software compression, recycled backup, etc... but nothing seems to help.


Any idea what the problem could be ? or what i can try to resolve the problem ?





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Your best bet is to create a new backup set and disable hardware compression. (This is your only chance to toggle this setting). Then turn on software compression in your script. Hardware compression tries to compress all of the data - compressing compressed files can actually make them grow in size.


Software compression only compresses files that are not already compressed. That is your best bet. 2.gifUnfortunately Onstream was a bit "creative" shall we say- when it comes to tape capacity.



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Remember that "creative" tape capacity thing?

Onstream sold all of thier drives labeled at thier "ideal" compressed capacity. 30 gigs on this drive will happen only in the lab backing up 30 gigs of text files only. The reality is that this drive will hold 15GB of data in native mode if you are lucky.


Sad to say but this is not unusual for these drives even with software compression enabled. The only other thing you can do is make sure there are no other programs slowing down the computer when you run the backup. You may have to settle for the 14G you are getting.



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