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Converting DAT to DLT

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Greetings everyone.


I have 26, yep, count 'em, 26 DAT tapes (two sets, A and B, B is the duplicate of A) that I am worrying about. We seem to have trouble retrieving data from A and then we use B, etc. But what is going to happen when these little guys finally die? Is there a way to take the info and move it to DLT or CD? We have been using DLT for a long time now, and these DAT tapes are about 5-6 years old. Plus, we only have two DAT devices and I want to retire them. I know some of you must have done the same thing with your older archives. Do you send the tapes away to have the conversion made or can it be done in-house (which is my preference)? Any suggestions would be really helpful. I am just trying to avoid the inevitable before it happens.






Atlanta, GA

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Transfer is what your looking for.




In Retrospect there is an option under Tools/Copy called Transfer. This will transfer one type of backup set to another backup set. i.e. Tape to CD.




For more information on Transfer you can refer to the manual or www.dantz.com/knowledgebase

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