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Configurting Email notification inside Retrospect

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I am using Retrospect 6.5 Multi-Server and it has the email notification inside the preferences area. I have got it working and it sends emails (if media is needed) but that is the only thing it sends for. How do I get this to send log files, successful, failed, backups etc. I could not find it anywhere and the help mentions the batch file. Well, I'd rather not use that if this email thing inside Retrospect is easier and simpler to use. What am I missing? confused.gif

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The built in email notification in Retrospect 6.5 will only notify you for media requests and fatal errors-I.e. something that stops the backup. You can also use the External script called Retroeventhandler.bat to send just about any message you like.


The two notification setups do not conflict so you can use them together. The external script takes some setup work but you have a lot more flexibility there.



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That doesn't make sense to me. I can understand how the batch script is more flexible, but I do not understand why the internal Retrospect one was not designed to be as flexible. Why have the two? A simple option to include the log would suffice.


Confused, but thanks for the help and reply,



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