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retrospect express 5.5 not displaying message after backup


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Until a few days ago when we had a brief power outage (battery backup died) Retrospect displayed a message confirming that the previous night's backup ran successfully, and the name of the next script to be run. This message was in a small dialog box that must have opened when Retrospect quit after the backup was complete.

Can someone tell me what setting might have been upset to cause the confirmation message to not be displayed?

Along the bottom of the window it says the the backup was completed successfully, and if I begin a verification manually, it seems as though the files are there (I don't have time in the morning to let it run it's course).

Thanks in advance...

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The power outage may have damaged the Retrospect launcher service or Retrospect's configuration files. I would reinstall the launcher service by opening the configure->preferences->execution menu and turning off the launcher service. Reboot the machine and then re-enable the launcher service.


If that doesn't work you can try moving your configuration files to the desktop and relaunching Retrospect. The 2 config files are in the Retrospect folder config55.dat and config55.bak


Hope that helps


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