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Client errors out / hangs

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i have been having several problems with 1 particular client for some time. It either gets scanning errors, such as below, or makes the complete backup job fail and retrospect close on the server. Then when you restart retrospect, it will no longer see this client until you restart the remote machine, or forcibly kill the retroclient.exe on the remote machine. Any sugestions would be helpful, this has been happening since day 1 with retrospect only on this particular machine. We are running retrospect server v 6


- 7/15/2003 10:51:45 PM: Copying Web (F:) on BUWEB1

T-100: TPCString: :NetImport - needed 8,192, datasize 117

T-100: TPCFolderLoc: :NetImport (m_path) - elsize 8,192, sz 117

Scanning incomplete, error -3102 (unknown)


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