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Retrospect 6.5.319

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I think I now hold a record for the most problems with a single program. I never had any of these issues with 6.0 Multi-Server. Now that I am running Multi-Server 6.5, it's a non-stop rollercoaster of problems.


I have 24 scripts setup to backup 24 seperate servers. The scripts all run fine now, to a certain extent. Each script has file exclusions configures (MP3's and WAV files are not supposed to be backed up because they are not considered mission critical to our business). However, the backup job now completely ignores those file exclusions. My backup file sizes have tripled since I installed 6.5.


Can someone please tell me why these exclusions are being ignored?



Brian Rudnicke


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I configured a new selector using these conditions:


I chose Universal/Name and configured it to exclude any filename or folder that matches:









I then changed the script to use that selector. It is STILL grabbing those files during the backup job.




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Try testing your selector under Configure > Selectors and use the Check Selector command to see if your selector is set up correctly. You can optionally disable criteria to help determine where the selector criteria is incorrect. Are you using "And" or "Or" statements?


The following article is also relevant, depending on which version of Retrospect 6.5 you upgraded to originally:



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Attached to this post is a selector that excludes the criteria you listed in the prior post.


To use this selector, unzip the file and then use the Import Selector command in Retrospect 6.5


Please test this selector in your environment before using it.


Filename: Retrospect Exported Selectors.zip

Version: Retrospect 6.5

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It appears to be working. Thanks. However, I am still confused as to it's creation.


I looked at the configuration for the Selector, and noticed that it uses different rules. For instance:


Yours uses: Include everything but always exclude files matching

name ends with .mp3

or matching name ends with .avi

or matching name ends with .mpg

or matching name ends with .au

or matching name ends with .wmv


Mine uses: Include everything but always exclude files matching

name ends with .mp3

and name ends with .mpg (etc....)


How do you set the difference between "or matching" and "and"?



Brian Rudnicke


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