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Can't see Clients!

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I just purchased Retrospect Single Server 6.5 for Windows and

installed it on an XP Pro machine. Then I installed the client on

a few machines in the office and discovered that I can't see the

clients in the "add clients" panel using either multicast or subnet

mode. If I type in a client IP for the "direct" connection method,

it finds the client and allows it to be logged in just fine.


The office lan uses a little linksys cable/dsl router that connects

to a cablemodem and does DHCP+NAT for us, so the direct

connection method isn't going to work unless I want to manually

set up every machine here with its own local (static) IP. The

router has multicast enabled, is there anything else I need to do?

I've gone through the documentation and mailing list archives, and

haven't found much that helps.

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I use a Linksys DSL/Cable Router at home and I can see clients without making any changes to the settings.


Make sure that Port 497 is not being blocked.


Retrospect uses port 497 for UDP and TCP Packets over Multicast and Subnet broadcast.


Norton Internet Security could also block a Retrospect Client.

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In desperation, I installed Retrospect on a different machine - and had no problems at all.


The computer that's having a problem has the Asus A7N8X Deluxe motherboard with two onboard network cards (and only uses one), but I thought Retrospect was long past having problems on machines with multiple NICs? I've tried adding/removing interfaces in Retrospect, enabling/disabling them in XP's Network control panel, and all sorts of things and still no luck. Any suggestions?


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Guest psykoyiko

Once you add a particular interface in Retrospect, you need to specifiy that your clients use it. You can do this by choosing the interface in the drop down menu when attempting to log in a client.



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(tried that)


I'm currently thinking this is a problem with the NIC/Drivers or other

non-retrospect-problem. The machine can browse the web just fine,

and if I install the NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS drivers, I can see other

machines on the network with IPX/SPX/NetBIOS installed, but without

those drivers, I don't see any other machines on the network in

'Network Neighborhood' frown.gif


I haven't got a clue what could be causing that kind of problem

AND the retrospect problems.

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OK, solved the problem. I feel like an idiot, but maybe I'll

spare somebody else some aggravation. Turns out that

even though the "personal firewall" was disabled in the

pc-cillin preferences, the pc-cillin personal firewall service

was still running. Disabled the service in the services

control panel and everything works fine now.

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