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Backing up iBooks


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Recently I added 4 iBooks (MacOS 9) to my backup rotation. Things are working fine, but I have a general question about the polling process. Once a client has been backed up, is there a flag or some kind of indicator that tells the backup server script that this client has been backed up and don't connect to it anymore until the next time (every 7 days in my case) the script runs??


I set up a Backup Server script with the following options:

-backup every 7 days

-client countdown 30 seconds

-connect to client every 30 minutes

-verification on

-data compression

-never shut down

-backup server script is active every Monday from 8am-6:45pm

*I'm runing Retrospect Workgroup (v5.0.238) on an OS X Server (v10.1.5)


One of my users said that when she's using her iBook on Mondays, she keeps getting prompted for a backup *after* she's been backed up. She said the interval of the backup prompt seems to be every hour. Should this be happening? If not, how can I fix it?


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.




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Once the backup is done, the user should NOT get another prompt until the next backup interval. If the user keeps clicking "defer" then Retrospect will retry.


Check the Client Control Panel and make sure it's schedule is set to "According to normal schedule".


You can also set the script's "countdown" to Zero and the user won't see any type of dialog box.


Is this happening to other users?

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Hmmm, I thought the client was already set to "according to normal schedule" but then again, I don't remember. I'll check it.


So far only one user has been taking advantage of the the backups, so she's the only one that keeps being prompted to be backed up repeatedly.

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